Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
How often should I get a cleaning?
We recommend a dental cleaning every 3-12 months depending on your own personal gum health. This frequency allow us to monitor various oral health conditions and help prevent more severe problems.
How do fillings work?
Cavities are dental decay that breaks through your tooth’s natural enamel. This can be caused by diet, improper dental hygiene, genetics and more. Left untreated they can keep growing until they effect the root of the tooth.
When do I need to have a Dental Exam?
We recommend a dental exam (Also called a Recare exam) once a year, unless you have other dental concerns. This frequency is dependent on general oral health. The main objective of these exams is not just for the teeth, but to also complete an oral cancer screening, assess signs of incorrect breathing patterns and observe the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint and its supporting muscles.
How often do I need to brush/floss my teeth?
We recommend you brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and again at night time. We also recommend you floss at least once a day. Plaque can buildup in between the crevasses of your teeth, and a toothbrush is unable to disturb those pockets. Flossing (Or a Waterpik) are the only things that can get deep enough to remove that buildup.
How do I know when I need to remove my Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth typically don’t start to bother people until they are between the ages of 18-24. This is due to the fact they take so long to form, that by time they are ready to push themselves through the gums, there is no space for them left in the mouth. In an ideal situation they will not need to be removed, however if you’re experiencing pain in the back of your mouth, inflamed gums, pain or stiffness in your jaw, or ear/headaches, than it may be time to have a discussion with your dentist.
Do you offer cosmetic dentistry?
We create our own bleaching trays right in house, we place veneers, and have our own custom program in place to help recreate your smile. Orthodontics are also available which is the ultimate cosmetic dentistry makeover.
Why are my teeth sensitive?
There are many things that can contribute to tooth sensitivity. Hard brushing, acidic drinks, constant grinding or clenching of teeth, dental decay or a cracked tooth. Consistent and diligent care can help reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent further damage.
How can I tell if I'm grinding my teeth?
Anxiety, smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee and sleep disorders are all believed to contribute to teeth grinding. Scientifically there isn’t hard evidence to support any single cause but there are many that can contribute to grinding. Ask us about a mouth guard to help prevent further damage.
About Dentistry
General Dentistry
General Dentistry is the wide umbrella of all dental procedures. General Dentists are able to diagnose and treat various diseases and disorders. Their scope of work includes several disciplines – Periodontics (Gum work), Endodontics (Tooth root specilization), Orthodontics (Corrective Dentistry) and more.
Myofunctional Therapy
Myofunctional Therapy (Referred to as Myo) is the process of retraining the muscles of your tongue, lips and jaw to enhance breathing. Used as an essential tool for speech therapy and improving sleeping patterns. Increasing oxygen saturation within your blood is proven to increase brain activity, boost concentration, raise energy levels, and enhance sleeping abilities.
Orthodontic Dentistry
Orthodontic Dentistry is the practice of restoring and managing mal-positioned jaws and teeth. We correct the position of teeth and jaw using a series of different techniques including braces, Clearcorrect, functional applicances and more.
Endodontic Dentistry
Endodontics is the procedure of removing infected/inflamed tissues within the root of the tooth. Delicate procedures are preformed to try to find the cause of the extreme tooth pain, to work to save your natural tooth.
Emergency Dental
Emergency dental is the most dire of dentistry. Typically an injury will knock a tooth out, cause a laceration within the mouth. Generally anything that would require immediate dental treatment in order to stop severe pain or save a tooth.
A couple of factors to keep in mind while calling:
If your tooth is knocked out, please make sure to place it either back in the socket (If comfortable to do so), In a container with milk, or in a piece of gauze covered in your own spit. This can help widen the window of reinsertion.
If the tooth is out, make sure to only touch it by the crown NOT the root.
The more information provided when you call in will help us when you arrive.